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What does Temazcal mean?

Temazcalli is a word from the Nahuatl language. It is composed of two words: Temaz-steam and Calli-house, which directly translates to steam house or sweat house. The ceremony also represents the womb of mother Earth.

Temazcal ceremonies were held by almost all indigenous tribes of the continent. Each tribe had their own language and called it a different name. Because of this, it is common for a Temazcal experience to vary by group.

Temazcal serves to:

-Purifying the body, skin, mind, and thoughts.

-Restore energy, relieve stress, pray, and spiritually connect with the energy of mother Earth.

-Discover where we came from, to see where we are going, or learn where we need to go.

-Bring family and the community together, where everyone works together during setup and shares traditional food afterwards.

-Create connection with our ancestors.

-Confront our fears.

-Learn about history from elders in the group.

-Learn Nahuatl words and songs.

-Teach the youth about their roots and traditions.

-Gather as a group in ceremony and prayer.

What is Danza?

Aztec/Mexica Dance is an ancestral and cultural legacy that our grandmothers and grandfathers passed on to us to honor the energy of Tonanzintlalli – Mother earth or Mother Nature.

Aztec/Mexica Dance are movement that represent the four elements: fire, wind, water, and earth. Some steps resemble a sacred animal like the eagle, jaguar, crocodile, rabbit, hummingbird, etc. There are also steps that resemble medicinal or sacred plants like the reed or flower.

Danza is to discover your native roots. It’s discipline, it’s love, it’s a lot of work in community, it’s to study, to help others, it’s hope and leadership.

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